After you have created and uploaded your first Hogwarts Legacy mod, you can test it in-game before publishing it or sending it to moderation. 

Make sure that you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A CurseForge account.
  2. You have created and uploaded a new mod via the dedicated Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit to CurseForge website.

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Adding members and testers (optional)

In case you want to share your creation with teammates and other collaborators, you can share it with up to 5 team members and allow them to see your unpublished mod in-game to allow testing the mod before publishing it.

The steps to add a tester are as follows:

  1. Go to your mod in the author’s console and click on the “Member” tab and click on “Add Member”

  2. Type the CurseForge user name of your teammate in the search bar, and select the relevant result

  3. Select the relevant role for your teammate and click on “Done”

  4. After adding requests click on “Save” to save all changes. The asterisk from your new team member will disappear and a confirmation message will let you know changes were saved.
  5. Click on the “Permissions” dropdown under the newly added team member and in the permissions checkboxes, mark the “Cross Platform Testing” permission, and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

Once this is done, your team members should be able to test out your mod as if they are the owners of this project. 

As you change the role in the dropdown, it will check/uncheck capabilities in the list according to the role permissions. You can change the roles as needed. 

Testing your mod in-game

After you and your teammates have linked your CurseForge account to your WB Games Account, open the Hogwarts Legacy game.
Once the game launches, follow these steps:

  1. Launch an active game and click on the “MODS” section
  2. Navigate to the “Library” tab and click on the “Uploaded” icon - You and your allowed team members should be able to see the new mod you created

  3. Click on the mod and in the mod page, click on “Install” in order to install your mod. Once the installation is complete, you will see a new marker under the “Enable mods” tab
  4. Once installed go to the “Enable mods” tab. Select the save you wish to use the mod with, if you want to mod a new unmodded save, left click on the desired save will copy it to the “Mod saves” group
  5. Click on the save you created, or any other save in the “Mod saves” group, and a list of installed mods will appear. 
  6. From the “Disabled mods” list, click on the mods to enable them. They will move to the “Enabled mods” list
  7. Click on “Apply changes” (hotkey E) and you will have two options:
    A. Apply changes - Will load the mods to the desired save
    B. Apply and continue - Will load the mods to the desired save and will allow you to load the save with the mods
  8. After adding mods to you save an icon will appear on the right side of the tile and you will be able to see the number of active mods on the right side of the screen 
  9. Mouse hover the newly modded save and continue (hotkey “Enter”) will show a popup letting you know you are about to load a modded save. Click confirm and the game will load the new desired save with your mods.