Take me to...
- Custom containers and altering chest contents
- Instructions
- How to add Deathly Hallows Post Process
- Setting up Sky Sphere:
- Setting up Post Process:
- Indestructible Grouping Mesh
- Merging Static Meshes
- Player-facing actors
- T1/T2 Student (for UE4)
- Character Creator
- CC Character
- CC Character Folder Structure
- Character Editor
- DA files
- Heads
- Materials
- Eyes
- Eye AO
- EyeBrows
- Eyelashes
- Teeth
- Hair
- Hands
- Clothing
- T3 / T4 Character
- Avatar Creator
- Creator Kit Known Issues & Workarounds
- Creator Kit Known Asset Issues
Custom containers and altering chest contents
Here is a short step-by-step guide on how to set up custom containers in order to alter the content of a chest. This guide will mostly involve editing four different Data Tables in order to acheieve the disred effect.
These steps will detail which Data Tables need to be edited in order to create a custom Loot Category, a custom Virtual Container and to decide what to put in that Container.
- Open the Static Tables search engine by choosing [Windows>DB>Text Entry>Static].
- In the search bar, type ‘LootCategories’ and open the table by double clicking it.
- Scroll down at the bottom and name your new Loot Category.
- In the TypeID field, for this example, choose ‘Common’.
- Confirm this change by clicking the + icon on the left of this row.
- Back in the Static Tables search engine, search for 'VirtualContainerList' and open the table by double clicking it.
- Scroll down at the bottom and name your new Virtual Container.
- In the SubTypeID field, for this example, let’s choose LootDrop.
- Click the + icon to save these changes.
- Back in the Static Tables search engine, type ‘LootContainerContents’ and open it by double clicking.
- Scroll down at the bottom row.
- In the LootCategoryID drop down menu, search and select your Loot Category (see step 3).
- In the Container ID drop down menu, search and select your virtual container (see step 7).
- Leave the other fields of this table as is for this example.
- Hit the + button on the left to save these edits.
- Back in the Static Tables search engine, type ‘VirtualContainerContents’ and open it by double clicking.
- Scroll down at the bottom row.
- In the ‘VcontainerID’ field, search and select your Virtual Container (see step 7).
- In the ‘ItemID’ field, choose the item you want your container to contain.
- Leave the rest of the fields as is for now.
- Click the + icon on the left of this row to save your changes.
We will now be able to assign this loot table to a chest.
- In the Content browser, search for a Chest blueprint (ex: BP_Container_HM_CedarChest_A)
- Drag and drop it in a level.
- Select the Chest in the level.
- In the Details window, select the ‘Loot Drop’ component.
- In the 'Loot Group' field, search and select your custom Loot Category (see step 3 of the Container Creation guide).
- Click the Play button above the Viewer.
- Open the Chest you’ve placed in the level to ensure you have succeffully altered the contents of this chest.
How to add Deathly Hallows Post Process
Here’s a step by step guide on how to apply the Deathly Hallows post process and skysphere to any of your dungeons/levels!
Before following this guide, make sure to have the SHOW ENGINE CONTENT selected in the View options of the Content Browser.
Setting up Sky Sphere:
Starting with the Sky Sphere to have clouds within the level, place down a Sphere Actor into the world.
In the Details page with the Sphere Actor selected, navigate to the Static Mesh and Materials sections.
Set the Static Mesh to SM_SkySphere and the Material to M_SKY_Panning_Clouds2.
Navigate to the Transform section (on the right) and set the Scale to the size of a literal planet.
The scale of this Sphere is impacted by the strength of the Post Process, setting the scale of this sphere to a very high number will make it so the Post Process can be rendered with any strength.
(More details on this later)
You should now see a blue sky and clouds in the world.
Setting up Post Process:
Place down a Post Process Volume actor into the world.
In the Details page with the Post Process Volume selected, navigate to Rendering Features.
Add an Array by clicking the + icon, click on the “Choose” box and select Asset Reference from the drop down menu.
Now click the “None” box and it will bring up a content browser page, in the Browse search bar, type in “Comic” and select the MI_PPM_ComicOutline_DeathlyHallows_C Material.
Final step, in the Details page with the Post Process Volume selected navigate to Post Process Volume Settings and tick on the Infinite Extent (Unbound) setting.
Note: The Array number bar is the strength of the post process, the lower the value the less strong the comic line filter is. Lower value is better for meshes that aren't specific to Deathly Hallows assets.
This is why the scale of the Sphere is set to be massive, otherwise the Post Process strength would have had to been set to a very low number, effecting the Post Process strength.
You should now have a Deathly Hallows level with a functional skybox.
Note: For best results with this Post Process, use the Deathly Hallows specific Blueprints.
Indestructible Grouping Mesh
Here’s a step by step how on how to group many meshes together and making adjustments. We can adjust the scale of the group and add new meshes.
Grouping multiple static meshes in one group:
To start, select all the static meshes you wish to group together.
Right click on your selection and select ‘'Group’' or press Ctrl + G.
Making adjustments in your group:
Right click on your group> ‘'Group’' > Select ‘'Unlock’'.
Select an asset you wish to move or remove by right click > ‘'Groups’' > ‘'Remove from Group’'.
Return to your group and observe the adjusments.
If you wish to add another asset to you group, click your asset you wish to add > click your group > right click and select ‘'Groups'' > ‘'Regroup’'
And you now have a group of meshes!
Merging Static Meshes
Use this quick guide to group multiple objects (meshes) and assets into one static mesh and make anything from a custom shelf to an entire house.
Used for making a group of assets into one solid Static Mesh which can be reused throughout your level(s).
- Using the Content Browser, find a group of meshes that you're looking to make into one asset.
You can move, rotate, scale them all individually into the positions you prefer!
Note:We suggest using only Static Meshes for this, as merging a blueprint or more complex mesh may result in unwanted changes.
To find static meshes only, you can click "Filters" next to the search bar and make sure "Static Mesh" is marked. - Select the meshes you wish to merge by shift+clicking or ctrl+clicking the selected actors either in the viewport or in the World Outliner list.
Note: Keep in mind that the FIRST object you select will be the one who will be used for the center of the merged group, this will ensure pivot point (center for all transformations, e.g. move, rotate, and resize) is as desired. - Right click on any of the selected assets and select "Merge Actors".
- In the Merge Actors window simply click "Merge Actors" in the bottom right.
Note: You have several settings you can adjust in this window if desired, but for now there aren't any changes necessary. - Choose the file location and name the new asset as you wish, then click save.
Note: For naming your newly merged assest, be sure to use a format the you will easily remember and include words that make sense for the asset you're making for easier searching in future.
Optional: Assign LOD preset if LOD default settings are incorrect - Double click the Satic mesh that was made in the previous step within the Content Browser to edit its settings.
- In the Details tab of the Static Mesh's settings, scroll down to LOD Settings and click on the LOD Group dropdown menu. Here, you can choose an LOD preset that best matches the asset you've made and apply it.
Note: If none of the options matches what the asset is intended to be, choose the option that would closest resemble the size of your asset. In this instance, Decoration was created, and as such, "Deco" was selected.
You now have a static asset that you can place anywhere and as many times as you like around your game world to decorate it as you see fit!
Note: Merging actors in this way is extra useful if you want to make sure that your assembled assets all move, rotate, and scale uniformly.
However, for a more temporary form of this effect, you can select any amount of items then right click them in the World Outliner and select "Group".
This process is more reversible and can actually be ungrouped by right clicking in the World Outliner Again.
Player-facing actors
This is a short step by step on making an actor always face the player. Perfect for a variety of uses including horror games and puzzles, it could also be useful in making something like a static turret/monster that always looks towards the player.
- Select and prepare the actor/asset that you wish to have always facing the player, It can be anything from a flat object, to a character, monster or simple shape. In this case we are using a PNG of the moon.
- Place the selected actor/asset in a level and convert it into a blueprint. In this case we are applying the PNG to a cube (thus creating a new material) before creating the blueprint.
If you want to make a flat 2d object that always faces the player, it is recommended to make a cube and scale down one of it’s axes to 0 instead of using a plane actor. - In the blueprint editor, replicate the following event graph:
Before testing, make sure that the mobility of the actor in question is set to movable and not static. - Test it and rejoice at your prowess with the Creator Kit.
T1/T2 Student (for UE4)
We are going to talk about creating a Student Character, but the same application applies to other Characters in Hogwarts such as Townsfolk, Vendors, Staff, and other Human Characters.
ALL Characters are either…
1. Character “One Off” - An essential fully dressed main Character with ALL mesh components existing within one file.
The “One Off” Character is a fully complete Character with mesh components such as hair, glasses, upper, lower etc. (For example, Sebastian, one of our essential main T1 Characters, is a “One Off” Character.)
2. CC Character - consists of separate mesh components that are assembled to become a Character within our Character Creator System. (scanned head, hair, uniform, robe, etc.)
This Character CC option consists of an interchangeable head, interchangeable hair, and interchangeable clothing. These types of Characters can also be classified as a T1 Character. (For example, Natty, who is also an essential main T1 Character, is part of the Character Creator System.)
When getting to the Character Creator for the first time, please follow the steps below.
When the Character Creator opens, it may need time to load up materials. Sometimes this can take up to an hour or more.
Character Creator
Welcome to the Character Creator!
The Character Creator (CC) is an interface so showcase a human character as it will be viewed in the game.
(we also use it for Creatures such as Inferi, Goblins, Centaurs, House Elves and Trolls)
(***Lighting will be different than the actual build.***)
The Character Creator
Here is a general overview of the Character Creator. (Part 1 of 3 videos.)
Let's break down the CC interface and make a list of the Menu Options/ drop-down choices with their definitions.
This Menu Bar is found at the top of the Character Creator Menu. (from top left to right)
The Character Creator Menu
Editor Mode - The choices are None, Character, GEAR, Avatar Preset, and Marketing.
None - Will deactivate the Character Editor Window.
Character - Browse through each Character through Type / Character drop downs.
GEAR - Select and view GEAR pieces on a Character.
Avatar Preset - Access the Avatar Students to modify them.
Marketing - Load up test characters if Type is set to MarketingCharactersOnly and you select a Test Character. (You can actually create and save over “Test Characters”.)
Type - Choose different types of Sub-Characters such as Townspeople, Students, Staff, Vendors, Enforcers, Professors, Dark Wizards, Ghosts, Trolls, Goblins, House Elves, Inferi etc.
Character - The specific Character by name.
Camera - Set camera to focus on Face, Full Body, Upper, Lower, or Shoes.
Scene - Load up different scenes to see your Character in such as studio lighting, inside, or outside etc.
View Mode - See your Character in various lighting modes such as PBR, unlit, lit, wireframe, AO and more.
Show - Display cloth capsules, statistics and many more options.
Auto - Choose the LOD level.
Language - default to “common”.
Emotion - Put an expression on your Character such as sad, happy, smile, angry etc.
Facial Animation - Test animations are calisthenics/ master shapes.
Play - Enable the play of facial animation.
Eyes - Enable Ambient Eyes (Blinks/ Eye-darts) / Enable eye targeting.
TGA - Create a Targa image.
MP4 - Create an mp4 movie of the character.
Surface Type - Choose different surfaces such as wet, grass, dirt etc. (Leave this OFF)
CC Character
Building a CC Character
Let's go ahead and start assembling a CC Character within the Character Creator,
but first, we will need to understand the Folder Structure.
Every mesh we work on in Characters is always categorized under \RiggedObjects
- When working on a rigged Human Character, you will want to be in the \RiggedObjects\Characters\Human folder.
- When working on a rigged Creature, you will want to be in the \RiggedObjects\Characters\Creatures folder.
- When working on a rigged Prop, you will want to be in the \RiggedObjects\Characters\Props folder.
CC Character Folder Structure
CC Character HEADS:
When looking for a Head folder (where we keep processes scanned heads),
you can look here…
Each character is identified within the name with characteristics such as…
YF - Young Female
YM - Young Male
AF - Adult Female
AM - Adult Male
OF - Old Female
OM - Old Male
Head Scans
We also have folder directories for individual clothing, accessories, and hair meshes that we have created.
Many of these clothing meshes have been created in Maya and ZBrush.
We have also created textures created with Regions; where you can customize their textures in the CC.
All clothing is kept in the Clothing directory.
Uppers are the upper portion Clothing. (Usually waist up)
Lowers are the lower portion of Clothing. (Usually waist down) - STUDENT UNIFORMS:
We have 3 types of Uniforms for the Students. When creating a new Student, you will choose 1 of these uniforms.
You will need to know what House your Student will belong to in order to choose the uniform colors. - ROBES
We have a male robe and a female robe for Students. We also have many GEAR robes, cloaks and more. - Shoes/ Socks/ Hats
As you can see below, each clothing piece has its own folder directory.
We have many Accessories for the Human Characters such as eyeglasses, jewelry, scarves etc. They are found under Accessories.
If you are making a scarf, you'll need to create two to four variations of the scarf (depending on how it looks). The two that you'll for sure need to make is one for wearing with the outfits, and one for wearing with the tribes. If the robot version doesn't fit right when the hood is up, you'll need to create a third version to use for those robes. Test the scarf with a cape. If none of the versions you've created work well with the capes, you'll need to create a fourth version for those.
There are many Hair options for male and female characters. Hair is kept in its own folder as well.
We have a script that has been written so that ALL male hair can fit the females and vice versa. (see “Gender Swap” video below)
Adding NEW HAIR:
Adding Hair to UE4 and Data Table:
Once a new hair mesh is completed, there are a few steps in Adding the new hair style to Unreal and the data table.
Let's set up a new folder structure for a new hairstyle for a male…
(see images below for the following)
1. Find this path: \RiggedObjects\Characters\Human\Hair_M
2. Find the latest folder of the last male hair that was created previously. (so you know what to name the new hair that you will be adding)
3. Create a new folder and name it. (example: if the last male hair created was StuHair34, you will name the “new folder” that you create, “StuHair35”)
(The process is the same for males and females. Just make sure you are gender specific when pointing files)
Make a new folder (example: StuHair35)
(see images below for the following)
4. Drag in the new SK_hair-file mesh inside the folder.
5. Copy an existing DA file from a previous male hair and paste into the folder (talking about a type of DA references a specific skeletal mesh)
6. Rename the new DA file
7. Open up the DA file
8. Drag the SK file into the Default Mesh slot
9. Save.
10. Hook up all shaders and textures.
Copy an existing DA file from a previous male hair and paste into the folder and rename it
Drag the SK file into the DA’s Gender window and save.
11. Add new named hair and rename (StuHair35) and Save.
12. Drag DA file from Hair35 folder onto Character Piece window.
(name must be activated)
13. Save.
Character Piece Data Table:
(see images below for the following)
- Open up the Data Table (Go to this path: /Content/DbAssetMaps/CCC/) and find the data table file. ( DT_DbAssetMap_CharacterPieceDefinition)
- Find a male hair and click the Add button.
- Add new named hair and rename (StuHair35) and Save.
- Drag DA file from Hair35 folder onto Character Piece window. (name must be activated)
- Save.
Note: there it is possible to add a hairstyle directly to an avatar preset, without adding it to the character piece data table. But if you want to want this hairstyle to appear in the dropdown inside of the Character Creator as valid hair asset option, it needs to be in the character piece data table.
Open up the Data Table (DT_DbAssetMap_CharacterPieceDefinition)
Find a male hair and click the Add button.
Add new named hair and rename (StuHair35) and Save.
Drag DA file from Hair35 folder onto Character Piece window.
(name must be activated)
Adding Hair to Avatar Presets:
If you want to have hair options for an Avatar… (This will need to be done for Males and Females)
The hair options that are chosen for Avatar Presets are always the existing hairstyles that have been previously created. (see Adding New Hair Steps above)
You'll first need to open the Character Creator and set the Viewport Editor Mode to Avatar Preset.
(see images below for the following)
1. Find the Avatar Presets Tab (Content\Data\AvatarPresets)
2. Find the HairStyle Folder.
3. Copy one of the male DA files, paste in the same folder, rename to DA_HairMale035
Find the Avatar Presets Tab (Content\Data\AvatarPresets)
Find the HairStyle Folder.
Copy one of the male DA files, paste in the same folder, rename to DA_HairMale035
4. Go to the original DA (Not the Avatar Preset DA) (go to \RiggedObjects\Characters\Human\Hair_M\StuHair35)
5. Drag the DA file over to the Avatar Preset Definition Character Piece Window
6. Go to the Avatar Presets Tab (Content\Data\AvatarPresets) and find the Data Table. (DT_AvatarPresets)
Go to the original DA
Drag the DA file over to the Avatar Preset Definition Character Piece Window
Go to the Avatar Presets Tab (Content\Data\AvatarPresets) and find the Data Table. (DT_AvatarPresets)
Avatar Presets Data Table:
Follow these steps. (follow images below)
1. Avatar Presets Tab (Content\Data\AvatarPresets) and find the Data Table. (DT_AvatarPresets)
2. Open the DT_AvatarPresets
3. Find a male option and click on it. Click add and rename the file to HairMale035
4. Go to Content\Data\AvatarPresets\HairStyle and find the DA_HairMale035 DA file.
5. Drag the DA file to the DT_AvatarPresets Data Table window (Avatar Preset Definition) (name must be highlighted)
6. Save
Open the DT_AvatarPresets
Find a male option and click on it. Click add and rename the file to HairMale035
7. Open the DT_AvatarPresets
8. Find a male option and click on it. Click add and rename the file to HairMale035
Go to Content\Data\AvatarPresets\HairStyle and find the DA_HairMale035 DA file.
Drag the DA file to the DT_AvatarPresets Data Table window (Avatar Preset Definition)
9. Drag the DA file to the DT_AvatarPresets Data Table window (Avatar Preset Definition)
10. Save
Now test in the Avatar Preset Editor (you may have to close CC and restart)
1. Test in the CC
2. Test in UI
Test in UI
*Keep in mind that there will be overrides for Hat/Hair and Hoods.
See Example of Overrides in the following image.
Override Example
Whether it be Hair, or GEAR overrides, we have a specific video that covers the process below.
Gender Swap Hair
All hair can fit males and females. Since they have a height difference, a script was written to make the process a little easier.
We have a script that has been written so that ALL male hair can fit the females and vice versa.
Character Editor
Building a CC Character
Within the Character Creator, there is a Character Editor Window.
The Character Editor is where mesh pieces are compiled to complete a character such as a different hair option, or facial hair options.
(A Programmer will need to input the data so that the character exists in the Character Menu.)
When you open the Character name in the drop-down menu for the first time, you will see an incomplete character with a head/hands. (The head is a stub-in. See below)
CC Character Default Stub-In
Select a scanned Head under the Head menu. Start dressing the Character with the following…
- Hair
- Upper (A Dress or Robe will always default to an Upper)
- Lower
Options/ Settings
- In the Body and Outfit sections, when you click on the tiny arrow in the option boxes, it will display a drop-down menu of the choices on that option box.
- You can modify the settings as well when you click on the gear button next to each option box to further dial in your mesh choices. (dial in hair colors, or clothing textures, mesh presets etc.)
The Character Editor
Character Editor Drop Down Menu
Updating Settings Parameters
If you are adding a new Student, select the Upper, and then in the drop-down menu, select the type of Uniform with a Robe.
(Ex: F_CMBH_StuUni03_Robed)
Character Editor
Upper Added
After selecting the Upper, select the Settings button. (Looks like a gear box)
Upper Settings
Mesh Preset Window
House Selected with Robe Preset
Under the “Mesh Presets” Tab, select a robe/uniform with the appropriate house colors.
Double- Click the Mesh Preset of the House, and your Character will update with the colored textures.
The Uniforms are in a Mesh Preset because they are approved as the look of the House Uniform.
If you were to work on other clothing pices, yu could adjust the Texture Parameters in the window above the Mesh Preset Window to get a wide variety of outcomes.
Select the X button to Exit.
Make sure that you SAVE your Character.
NOTE: You should not need to do anything in the bottom Build section. (you shouldn't need to adjust hands, feet, head size, or height)
Once your Character CC is created, make sure you push Save at top left button of the Character Editor.
The next time you open your character in the CC, it will display your Saved choices.
Your CC Character is created!
Test your character
Now that you have created a “New” Character, you can check out and Test various functions such as Face Animation, Calisthenics, and Walk to Sprint.
Test Walk/ Run Cycle
Testing Calisthenics/ MasterShapes
Be sure to check what your character looks like in various indoor/ outdoor scenes. (Under Scene)
Testing Indoor/ Outdoor
DA files
Each Character has its own DA file. (Data Asset File)
A Data Asset File is an asset that stores data related to a particular system/ or Character.
One-Off Folder Structure
When looking for a One-Off, you will need to first find the Human folder.
Once you find the One-Off folder, you can see the list of Characters.
If you are working on a One-Off Character, you will compile ALL of the mesh assets of that specific Character into one single Maya file.
Rather than opening a head and adding mesh components through the Character Creator, you are building a fully Rigged SK file in Maya and bringing it into Unreal.
Your complete Character will need a rigged skeleton in order to bring it into Unreal and the Character Creator.
As Modelers, we will copy skin weights in order to get the file into the CC. A rigger will clean up that file at a later time.
One Off Example
Poly Counts
The poly counts vary, but these numbers below represent an average tri count on a full character.
Upper - 8k - 12k tris
Lower (includes shoes) - 10k tris
Heads - 15k tris
Hair - 12k - 15k tris
Hands - 10k tris
Teeth/Tongue - 5k tris
Beards / Facial Hair - 5k - 8k tris
Lashes - 2k tris
Eye AO - 500 tris
Eyes - 1200 tris
Robe - 5k tris
Once you import the SK mesh file of that specific One-Off character, you will also need to set up all the characters Materials and Textures.
Textures sizes are authored as TGA files at 4096.
Most textures get clamped at 2048.
Draw Calls for textures are as follows…
1. Head (includes hands)
2. Clothing Upper/ Lower
3. Eyes
4. Eye AO
5. Eyelashes
6. Hair
7. Teeth (sometimes combined with heads)
Common suffixes for Textures
• D (diffuse)
• N (normal)
• SRO (spec, roughness, occlusion)
• SROA (spec, roughness, occlusion, alpha)
• SRXO (spec, roughness, Subsurface scattering, occlusion)
• MRO (metallic, roughness, occlusion)
• MROS (metallic, roughness, occlusion, scatter)
• MROA (metallic, roughness, occlusion, alpha)
• MRAB (metallic, roughness, Scatter Amount, and Scatter Brightness)
• X (scatter)
• SSS (subsurface scattering
• MSK (mask)
• A (alpha)
• T (root/tip)
• V (variation)
• H (height)
• I (Id map/ Regions)
• E (emissive)
Create a DA for that character.
Create Data Asset for the Character
We have an archive of hundreds of scanned heads. These heads have been processed to work with our current system. (Uv’s and Topo)
Some of the heads may be adjusted further in ZBrush.
Some of these heads are a great starting point for a new Character. You can take the Character head into ZBrush and make further updates if
needed. Based upon what changes are updated may necessitate generating a new Normal/ Diffuse Map.
(Please retain UV’s and Topography and keep eye and mouth placement)
Natty's Head
Side Topo
Head Only Vert Count
The Topography and UV’s are the same for ALL of our Human Characters. They should NOT change. The vert order and topo should remain the same without any cuts or updates.
(Although, you can push and pull vertices to change up a face, just keep eyes, mouth corners in the relative same space.)
Processing a Head from a Scan
The following 4 videos contain our Head Process starting with a scanned head.
Character Skin is based on Diffuse maps that we already have in place according to ethnicity.
MM Cloth - shader used for a character using regions.
MM Prop - shader used for “One Off” Characters.
Eyes, Brows, Lashes, Eye AO
Eye Scelera
Eyeball Mesh
Eye meshes and textures can be used from other existing Characters.
Eye AO
Eye AO
Eye AO
We use a generic Eye AO for ALL characters. (specific shader used) The Eye AO is necessary to be used on all human characters as it receives
shadows from the eyelids and allows a specular gloss for a wet look over the eyeball.
(Some creatures do NOT have an Eye AO.)
You can use the Eye AO from any existing file.
When creating eyebrows, we can either use a diffuse map with drawn on brows, or we can put them in a customized system that uses masks so that different eyebrow options can be used.
We use two different eyelash options.
1. Top Shorter Lash - Used for non-essential Male Characters.
2. Top Long Lash - Used for All Females and All Avatar Characters.
Lower lashes are the same across the board. You can re-use the lashes from any existing file.
Teeth and Tongue
Teeth/ Tongue Mesh
We used a generic set of teeth/tongue for ALL Students. We do have a handful of teeth variants, and could swap out different teeth based on the needs of that Character. Teeth variants add to the look of the Character and make them more unique.
Variant Teeth are kept here:
Most students are using the same generic teeth. You can use the generic teeth from any existing file.
Hair Example
Sometimes we can re-use hair options. To add variety on a re-used hair, we can flip the part line so that the hair looks different.
There are times when we will want a specific “new” hair added to our hair options.
Hand Textures for Characters are kept on the Head Texture Maps. If they are an Avatar Character, the hands are assigned to a Separate Texture Map and do not need to be combined to the head.
Specific hand/arm textures are found below:
Robe with Uniform
Uniform No Robe
Alt Uniform with Robe
Clothing for a Student consists of a school uniform with a specific house robe. We have 3 types of school uniforms for males and females.
A clothing tutorial exists below to show how we make customized clothing…
Keep in mind that ALL clothing needs to fit within a Volume File.
Volumes Location
Volume File in Maya
Male Upper Volume Parameter
Within the Volume Maya File, there are 3 different human meshes. Each of these human meshes have a set of clothing parameters listed in the outliner. As long as the clothing fits within these volume parameters, you should be able to move forward dressing your character. The volumes are set up for Robes, Uppers, Lowers, Shoes, Scarves, etc.
Volume Instructions
There is an Excel document that has general instructions on how to use the Volume Maya Scene. You can find these instructions here:
All decals, Illustration’s, patterns, or images used in creating cloth, clothing, or? etc. MUST be custom made and not pulled from the internet. All art created must be kept in a legal directory for reference. Any pattern called out will need verification.
Important - Locking in Fonts + approvals for use in game vs. textures (rasterized) and use in game.
Tileables Created:
Remember that our mesh asset files are kept under \Assets\RiggedObjects\ here:
Rigged Objects
And that Unreal Content is kept under \Content\RiggedObjects\ here:
T3 / T4 Character
T3 and T4 Characters are basically lower end NPC characters that we use in the game.
T3 and CMBH stands for Combined High-Resolution NPC Characters.
- Unimportant non-named characters. (ex: Vendor01)
- Shared Outfits reused within game on different Characters.
T4 and CMB stands for Combined Low-Resolution NPC Characters.
- Whole Character combined in mesh.
- Plant Character. (Meaning the character can move but does not go anywhere. It stays where its planted.)
Avatar Creator
The Avatar Creator is found within the Character Creator under the left upper tab - Avatar Preset.
Avatar Preset
We have 16 Male Avatars and 16 Female Avatars. In the Preset Editor, there are separate preset channels to dial in each Avatar.
Each Avatar will be wearing the same clothing; however, you can change appearance parameters such as eyebrows, hair, colors, heads, facial options and more.
Video Example:
When exporting an FBX from Maya, please use these export settings.
Creator Kit Known Issues & Workarounds
Known issues table
Chart to track all of the known issues that occur on both the original engine and the creator kit.
Known Issues Description | Notes | |
When selecting the FrontEnd as a scene, assets such as a large bird, a character head and a thestral will temporarily appear in the scene. | This is by design and part of the Front-end character interactions. | |
Creator Kit crashes when compiling any changes made in Default_Camera BP. | User should avoid making any changes in Default_Camera BP. | |
Characters from a custom Subtype can be seen t-posing when placing them in a level and playing in Editor. | Users should avoid adding new character subtypes. | |
It is possible to get a mod you are creating into a state that would crash the creator kit when the mod project is selected. | Users should practice version control and save mod backups in case their project becomes un usable. | |
“Map check warnings” links in the message log do not work. | This is linked to a dev tool that is not included with the creator kit. Map check warning links can be ignored. | |
Characters can be overwritten by characters with the same name in another mod. | The mod community will need to collaborate to disclose which files their mods are using and post any conflicting popular mods in the mod description. | |
Crash occurs upon walking through an Ancient Gate while in PIE (Play in Editor). | This may be due to loading priority, waiting a few moments after starting PIE before walking through an ancient gate,m may bypass this issue. | |
Very rare issue where mods fail to cook due to the following error path: | There are no currently known workarounds for this issue. | |
New entries in the StatsDynamic static table get removed after creating them until user restarts the Creator Kit. | User needs to restart the creator kit after creating new entries in the StatDynamic static table in order for them to take effect. | |
Some changes made to a blueprint’s array elemets aren’t recognized by the compiler, allowing the user to compile the same blueprint twice. Doing so will cause the other array elements in its category to reset to None. If the user loads a map after doing so, the change cannot be undone from the CK. Verifying the files will change the blueprint back to its intended default values. | Array elements affected are related to SFX and VFX which are not supported moddable features. | |
CurseForge connection may fail continuously when player launches Creator Kit. | The user should re-launch from the Epic Games Launcher. The only other option would be to open up a browser for an external Epic login, in which the user could login to a different user than they launched from EGS, so we're just forcing a relaunch. | |
After starting a new game from the Root Level the user will be unable to delete that save file after exiting PIE (Play in Editor). This prevents the user from accessing the In-Game Character Creator after they’ve made four save game files. | Deleting saves is disabled from within the Creator Kit. | |
Enabling/Disabling plugins breaks Warner Brothers account connection. | End user should avoid disabling any plugins as it will have an adverse effect on the creator kit. Uninstall and Re-install of the Creator kit will need to be done in the event a user does enable and disable plugins in the Creator Kit. | |
Setting 'Enable Automatic Asset Synchronization’ to ‘True in the Wwise settings for the creator kit breaks Warner Brothers account connection. | Users should avoid changing the Wwise project settings. | |
After deactivating a gear mod and restarting the title, the now non-existing equipment worn by the Avatar leaves the Avatar partially invisible. | Loading Saves with missing mods can have adverse effects. | |
All Ray Tracing Debug view mode options cause the engine to crash. | Users should avoid using the ray tracing debug view modes. | |
Some items in the 'Kills' task's dropdown menu don't make this quest step progress in PIE (Play in Editor):
| Users should avoid using specified items in their “Kills” tasks for quests. | |
BP_PhaseMaker - The blueprint shows error and cannot compile. | Asset is not currently fully functional, and should be avoided. | |
BP_Dragons_Tortured blueprint crashes the Creator Kit when playing in editor. | Asset is not functional, and users should avoid using BP_Dragons_Tortured. | |
The editor freezes when the user presses play in the Overland.umap. | User should avoid playing in editor in the overland.umap. | |
Nothing spawns when triggering the Reinventing_The_Wheel event in PIE (Play in Editor). | Reinventing_The_Wheel is an unfinished event and does not function. | |
Enabling the Web Browser plugin in Edit > Plugins brings up a "Modules Missing" error after restart and prevents Creator Kit from launching. | Users should avoid modifying plugins. Uninstall and Re-install of the Creator kit will need to be done in the event a user does enable and disable plugins in the Creator Kit. | |
No beast spawns in BEAST_IN_A_TRAP event. | Event does not work in world events test gym level. | |
No beast spawns in BEAST_IN_A_CAGE event. | Event does not work in world events test gym level. | |
After entering PIE (Play in Editor) on Intro_AvatarCreator_Studio once it will infinitely load if you try to enter PIE again. | In order to access screen player should go through the root level. | |
Wall Materials not being two sided makes walls invisible on one side. The Two sided parameter on some wall materials isn’t set to true. This makes the wall mostly invisible on one side. | Fix: Set the material to “two sided” this way the material will be visible from but side and not the just the front one. How? Double click the material to open it > search “two sided” on the bar top right > Click both boxes to set it to true. | |
Modded Quests don’t trigger correctly when multiple mods use the same Quest Title. When creating a mod with a Quest it is important to make the Quest Title as unique as possible. If multiple mods use the same Quest Title only one will be triggered or cause other conflicts. | Make your Quest Titles as unique as possible when making a Quest. If the Quest is already made the Title can be edited from the ModEdits file in your mod folder. Make sure to change all of the references to your old Quest name to make sure it works properly. | |
Known Issues Description | ||
Creating a new row in the static data table ‘SubtypeInteraction’ gives an error message and doesn’t keep the newly created row. The message says: ‘Cannot save row because primary key rowid is not set. SQL: Select SubtypeID FROM Subtypes.’ | ||
Media Player is incapable of playing the only video format files available in the Creator Kit | ||
Unable to delete or move the BP_DungeonEntrance when playing in the PIE (Play in Editor). When the user deletes or move the ‘'BP_DungeonEntrance’', it reappears when you play in the Play in Editor. | ||
When creating a mod containing a Moth Picture Frame puzzle, the image the user imports will not be carried over in game and instead will be replaced with a placeholder image. | ||
Mod mutators contained in other mods are still active when a different mod is set. Meaning that any changes brought by a mod mutator can be seen when working on other mods. This can prevent users from seeing their mods in PIE if both mod mutators affect the same files. | ||
Fast Travel locations work properly in PIE (Play in Editor) but not in game. Triggering the teleportation via Quest Editor for example will yield no result. | ||
When loading the level Frontend from the content browser, the level will load and then after about a second the engine will crash. | ||
The user cannot completely delete mods from within the Creator Kit without closing it and its processes before manually deleting the files in explorer. | ||
The Creator Kit hangs / freezes for a while when the user force deletes a blueprint. The console also shows a multitude of errors during the hang. | ||
After starting a new game from the Root Level to access the Avatar Creator if the player exits PIE (Play in Editor) and attempts to access the Avatar Creator from the Root Level instead the Creator Kit will be stuck on an infinite loading screen with the following lienholder: LIENHOLDERS: Priority: 0 Intro_AvatarCreator_Studio_C_0_[0000024EE7DF5000] | ||
Numerous head customization options come with extra assets already equipped that cannot be removed, such as body parts, items of clothing and hairstyles. This prevents those heads from being customized in depth by the user as other customization items will appear overlapping with the extra assets. For example, the grey lady head comes with her entire body model, hair and clothes, preventing any other clothes, hairstyles and limbs from being equipped with this head without major overlap and clipping. | ||
The MOD SDK is only using 4 cores/threads on all configuration tested, slowing the compilation and reducing the performance. | ||
Many textures within the Creator Kit cannot be edited, even if they are duplicated. | ||
The ‘Reset all Parameters’ button at the top right of the Parameters window doesn’t return all of the modified options to their default setting. | ||
When a chest in a Sublevel is spawned a second time via Quest Editor`s 'Load Quest Sublevel' task, its state will not be reset to closed if it had been opened once. When a chest in a Sublevel is spawned a second time via Quest Editor`s 'Load Quest Sublevel' task, its state will not be reset to closed if it had been opened once. | ||
When creating a new Stat in the StatsDynamic data table, this Stat is not present in other dropdown lists that contain such entries (ex: in a ‘Check Stat’ task in Quest Editor) nor is it present in the StatsDynamic table after closing and re-opening it. The user needs to restart the CK to see it appear in these lists. | ||
The Creator Kit crashes if the user opens the EnemyAttackData table from the static database. | ||
Creating more than 3 tasks of a quest does not display the rest of the objectives in the game. | ||
Opening the 'MaterialFunctions' folder crashes the Creator Kit. | ||
Creator Kit Known Asset Issues
Often there are work arounds or fixes that are needed to make certain assets usable in the creator kit. This is a result of how they were made and often these can’t be changed easily or without high risk. This document is to store any common workarounds and fixes for existing assets.
Important Note:
For AIs (and maybe more), the user will need to make another blueprint of the existing one (duplicating/copy pasting works) or making a mutator for the mod.
If the user is just fixing the issues on the default Blueprints, it’s going to work in editor but not in-game. to fix this, please follow the Mutator tutorial: https://support.curseforge.com/en/support/solutions/articles/9000259713-hogwarts-legacy-creators-blueprints-mechanics#Mod-Mutators%3A-Replacing-existing-Blueprints
Dragons Are Immune To Stupefy and other spells
Fix: Remove the Stupefy Immunity from the Base Dragon (Parent) & the specific dragons listed above. Removing just from the child creates a conflict. Sometimes the issue occurs sometimes it doesn’t.
How? → Search ID or follow a path above > Double click on the Dragon Base BP > Enemy State Component > In the parameters of the immunity section remove the “IA.ImpactType.Stupefy” > Do the same steps for the specific dragon you want to remove this bug from. Added [PHOENIX-304211 (A)] to help.
More → If anyone wants to remove more spells, they just need to remove the according spell in the same section in both the base dragon & the specific ones.
Dragons aren't doing damage with their bite attack
Fix: Place the sphere collision “MouthAttackCollision” at the right location and increasing it’s sphere radius in the detail panel under Shape fixed the issue on my side.
How? → Search ID or follow a path above > Double click on the Dragon Base BP > MouthAttackCollision component > Place the sphere at the right location > increase radius (tested at 150).
Dragons Flame attack are going in the wrong direction
Fix found: Rotate the “Flamesocket” in the mesh of the dragons by 90 degree, depending on the mesh it’s going to be left or right.
How? → Search ID or follow a path above > Double click on one of the Dragons BP > Mesh Component > Double click on the mesh under Mesh in the details > Find the “Flamesocket” on the skeleton tree on the left > Rotate it by 90 degree to the needed side and 20-40 up depending on what you want.
Base Tomb Protector doesn't attack the player
Asset ID: 1FD1103E45C90299E8B221B7BE94177C
Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/TombProtector/BP_TombProtectorBase
Fix: Add an attack to his attack list in the attack tab of the attack component.
How? → Search ID or follow the path above > Double click on the “BP_TombProtectorBase” > Attack Component > In the parameters of the attack section click “adds element” > Click on the None under it > Add an attack (copy and paste this in the browse menu) ex: DA_Attack_TombProtector_OverheadThrow > Compile & Save
Base Troll doesn't attack the player
Asset ID: 93CE86C34A1C68413E8B03904F6C1684
Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Troll/BP_TrollBase
Fix: Add an attack to his attack list in the attack tab of the attack component.
How? → Search ID or follow the path above > Double click on the “BP_TrollBase” > Attack Component > In the parameters of the attack section click “adds element” > Click on the None under it > Add an attack (copy and paste this in the browse menu) ex: DA_Troll_Attack_Swing_Smash > Compile & Save
The big & normal base spiders don’t spawn when placing them into a scene
Big Base Spider
Asset ID: 5047E22E4BB18061A8F76697AC3040A0
Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Spider/BP_SpiderBase_Big
Normal Base Spider
Asset ID: 29AC95404016145A9EBD528CD93F21AC
Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Spider/BP_SpiderBase
Fix: There isn’t any animation Blueprint selected to one of these blueprint.
How? Open one of the asset above > Select the mesh component in the left collumn > In the detail panel, under the Animation tab > Anim Class select ABP_Spider_C. Compile & Save.
Dragons Asset List (For Reference)
Dragons list:
- Base Dragon (Parent)
- Asset ID: 26E9CE7B46FA8AF18C5CB99F12179533
- Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Dragon/BP_Dragons_Base
- Dragon GreenWelsh
- Asset ID: ED7C8A724340A1E5A531F492A9CAD19E
- Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Dragon/BP_Dragons_GreenWelsh
- Dragon HebrideanBlack
- Asset ID: 2018EC5C43A392B8CA13058EBC8C1150
- Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Dragon/BP_Dragons_HebrideanBlack
- Dragon HungarianHorntail
- Asset ID: 8E9F4D07442CF96DA2737582F977C743
- Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Dragon/BP_Dragons_HungarianHorntail
- Dragon Mama
- Asset ID: 12FC6C174EC2D34A756B41AB8D43BA3E
- Path: Content/Pawn/NPC/Enemy/Character/Dragon/BP_Dragons_Mama