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Log in with Twitch credentials

You can go ahead and start using the new CurseForge app without logging in - the app should detect your installed games and mods automatically.

If you wish to access the syncing features, you will need to log into your CurseForge account with your Twitch credentials, by clicking on the 'Log in' button in the side-bar menu:

When clicking 'Connect with Twitch' you will be taken to a webpage in your browser where you will be asked to provide your credentials, as well as 'Authorize' Twitch to share your basic information (username and avatar) with Overwolf/CurseForge.

That's it - now you're logged in! :)

How to detect my games and mods

Your installed games and mods should be automatically detected by the app, but if you notice anything missing - no worries! You can first try to initiate a scan, or browse your system to add a game manually.

  • Follow the next steps to initiate the scanning process:
    1. Go to the CurseForge Settings
    2. Click the '+' button
    3. Choose 'Scan computer for games':
    4. The app will inform you of the scan's completion and its results:

  • Follow the next steps to add your game manually:
    1. Go to the app's Settings
    2. Click the '+' button
    3. Choose 'Manually add a game':
    4. Navigate to the game's installation directory:
    5. Select the game's main folder
    6. Your game should be now successfully added to the app!

Which games are supported in the CurseForge app? 

The CurseForge app currently supports the following games:

  • Chronicles of Arcadia
  • Darkest Dungeon
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Minecraft Java Edition
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Palworld
  • Rift
  • Runes of Magic
  • Secret World Legends
  • Stardew Valley
  • Surviving Mars
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • The Secret World
  • The Sims 4
  • World of Tanks
  • World of Warcraft

Please note that only the following games are support in the Standalone CurseForge app for Windows:

  • Minecraft Java Edition
  • Palworld
  • Stardew Valley
  • The Sims 4
  • World of Warcraft

You can find mods for additional games on the CurseForge website: https://www.curseforge.com/games

How to set auto updates

To allow the app's auto updater to check for updates and install them, please visit the following settings (*this feature will only work while running or while minimized to tray):

  1. Settings > Addons > Updates

    You can choose how frequently CurseForge will check for updates available for your addons:

  2. Choose a game > Auto Install Updates 

    Choose whether or not to allow the app to install available updates automatically for specific games:

Moderation staff working hours

Project/File moderation is done between 8AM to 3PM CET (11PM-6AM PST), Sunday through Thursday, excluding holidays.

This process is First in, First out and any files submitted late in the day may not be checked until the next review day.

Useful settings

To open CurseForge's settings, click on the cogwheel button located at the bottom of the menu:
The settings menu is divided into two sections: General CurseForge settings and game specific settings:
Here are some useful settings and options you should know about if you are using the Overwolf version of CurseForge:

  • When I Close the App

    You can choose how CurseForge will behave when clicking the 'X' button to close it:

    There are three options:

    • Hide CurseForge (minimize to tray) - Closes all visible windows, Keeps tray icon active
    • Exit CurseForge - Exits all CurseForge related windows
    • Exit CurseForge and Overwolf - When closing the CurseForge app, also close Overwolf. This may result in other apps you have not auto-launching when playing the relevant games.

  • Start with Windows
    When turned on, Overwolf will also launch on startup, as CurseForge requires Overwolf to run. If you wish, you can also set the startup setting for Overwolf separately (click 'here' to open Overwolf's General settings).

Addons multi-selection

The CurseForge app allows you to select multiple addons and perform actions for all of them at once, like updating or deleting them from the 'My Addons' section, or installing brand new ones. To select multiple addons you can:

  • Press and hold down the Ctrl key in your keyboard and add each addon to your selection with the left-click button of your mouse.
  • Click on an addon with your mouse, press and hold down the Shift key and click with your mouse on another addon to create a range selection.

*A multi-selection checkbox feature is planned for future versions of the app!

Once you have multi-selected the addons you can click one of the options on top of the addons list to apply it to all of them. In the following example, we have selected multiple addons and installed them all at once:

How to get logs

If you need to export your logs for any purpose, you can do so easily through the app:

  1. Click the '?' icon at the app's menu
  2. Select 'Create logs zip'
  3. Your desktop folder will automatically open and highlight the logs file