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Step 1: Getting Started

Once you have registered your CurseForge account or logged into an existing account, you can start the journey of creating your project by heading over to https://www.curseforge.com/project/create. Select the game you would like to make a project for and the page will be updated with new fields waiting for your inputs. Below are the fields along with their descriptions:

  • Name: This is the title of your project. It should be unique to your project. If the name is already taken it will be rejected.
  • Summary: This is a short blurb about the mod that will show up in the project listings
  • Description: This is the longer explanation of what your mod does/adds. Make sure you clearly elaborate on your project. We will reject your project if the description is not grammatically correct, or if it does not sufficiently describe the project you are creating. This can be edited later. Note: All titles and descriptions must be in English.
  • Project License: This is a drop down field that contains most of the common licenses in use in modding games. Research the license type you want to use and the pros and cons. You can also chose to use a Custom License at the bottom of the dropdown list and put anything you want in it. It may not be legally binding to request human souls in exchange for use of your mod, but you can do it if you want.
  • Primary Category: This is the main category your project will be sorted as. Texture packs require the resolution be the primary category. If you choose "Misc" you will not be able to add other categories.
  • Categories: You can add up to 4 of these. Your project will also show up in lists where people are searching for these types of mods. Be careful though, if you just add categories that have nothing to do with your mod we may send it back to you for changes.
  • Logo Image: A unique icon to identify your project by
  • Localization
  • Settings: Here you can choose if you want the project to accept comments. You can also toggle if your project is experimental

Once you have the form filled out you can press the Start Project button at the bottom. You should be taken to a page similar to this:


Step 2: Additional Info

Click the Manage Project button in the top right corner. This will drop you into the General settings page, and will allow you to update metadata fields and your logo image. Make sure all these fields are updated properly. Once you are happy you can press Save Changes.

The remaining tabs on this page can provide you with more control over certain aspects of your project, such as adding/deleting members, adding issues to the issue tracker, or directing users to your source code. We highly recommend updating the info in all tabs before submitting your project for review

  • Members: Here you can add team members, swap ownership, set reward split or remove members as needed. Only give access to people you trust. You have control of how much of the project they can edit. No one but you or an admin can change ownership of the mod.
  • Issues: You can link to an external issue tracker, or you can choose to make use of the internal issue tracker on CurseForge. You can set up custom tags like "enhancement", "bug", or "incompatibility"
  • Source: You can link to Github, Bitbucket or another external repository to share your source code. 


Step 3: Additional Images

Note: This step is only REQUIRED for texture packs or Minecraft resource packs that provides textures. If this does not describe your project, please skip to Step 4.

Back on your Project Dashboard, you will see an Image button next to the Manage Project button. This allows you to upload more preview images without embedding them in your main page. You can give the images a title and a description. At least one is required for texture packs.

Step 4: Submission

You have your previews and settings all in place. However, your project is still awaiting moderator approval. The last step before your project is submitted to moderators for approval is uploading a file.

Navigate to your Project Dashboard. To the right of your project title is a button labeled File. Clicking this will take you to the Files tab and once uploaded, will list your project files.


This page will differ slightly based on what game your project is for. Below is a list of fields that you will fill out to have your file submitted:

  • Upload file: Pick the file you want to upload. Note that for most games, you will need to upload the files as .zip archive. They MUST be .zip and not .rar or something else renamed to .zip.
    Files must also be below 2GB in size at the most.
  • Display Name: Your project file is named v2.0 , but you want it to look a bit fancier, type in a name here that will show up in the file list. It is NOT recommended to give every file the same name, and this field is optional.
  • Release Type:
    • Release: Syncs to the CurseForge App by Default. These are the files that will auto download when a user clicks the default download button on a project.
    • Beta: Will not sync to the CurseForge App unless the user chooses to receive Beta files. These files will also not appear in the sidebar for all games (except Minecraft).
    • Alpha: Will not sync to the CurseForge App instances set to receive Alphas. These files will also not appear in the sidebar for all games (except Minecraft).
    • NOTE: Projects must have at least one "Release" file before they sync to the CurseForge App.
  • Changelog: A place to put all the updates you have done between versions
  • Supported Version: Pick which versions of the game your project is compatible with. You can choose multiple versions.
  • Supported Java versions (Minecraft Only): If your project only works in Java 6, this is the spot to say so.
  • Related Projects: Dependencies and Incompatibilities. This is where you can link to other projects on CurseForge. You can link to a required project, or to a recommended project, or to a project that you know does not work well with your project.
    Projects/files that are linked as Required Dependency will be automatically downloaded in the client.

After filling out all of the appropriate fields, click Submit File. You will be redirected to your Files tab and you should be able to see your newly added file. You can add more files by following the same process you just went through. At this point your file will be labelled "Under Review" and it is off to the moderators to review and approve it. They may send it back to you requesting changes. They may also reject it. Changes and rejection reasons are covered under Changes Required and Rejected Files