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When I upload a file, it just disappears. I don't know what happened to it.

All files uploaded to CurseForge are moderated. If your file has disappeared, it means it was rejected for any number of reasons. A rejection message will have been sent to the e-mail registered to your account.

When I upload a file, I get an error message that says the file already exists.

This error message indicates that the file has already been uploaded. Please check your registered e-mail for the reason.

Why isn't {Mod Name} hosted here?

Where a project is hosted is the sole discretion of the author(s) who wrote it. It is not CurseForge's place nor right to host projects without the author's permission. Similarly, please do not upload a project that you are not the author of. You're not doing the original author a favour, and are in fact infringing on their rights. Such projects will not be approved.

I'm getting the following message, even though I'm not trying to upload a Plug-in

This is an automatically generated message that usually triggers when the system could not properly verify your file. This happens when there is a Zip nested inside the folder, which the processor rejects. (See image below for example case)

Uploading another author's work to CurseForge

In certain instances, the original author(s) will not want to maintain their project on CurseForge. In these cases when creating a project you must do the following:

  1. Obtain explicit permission to upload to CurseForge. This permission must be included in the project description.
  2. Link back to the original hosting location of the project.
  3. Credit the original authors in your main description.